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Friday in Washington 1873 by William H. Jackson
Friday in Washington 1873 by Alexander Gardner

The photograph was taken by Alexander Gardner in November 1873 in Washington, D.C. That year, a delegation of Northern Cheyenne and Arapaho from the Red Cloud Agency went to the capitol with their agent, Dr. John J. Saville, to discuss their hunting rights as well as their future home (they were concerned about being political marginalized when placed at an agency with the powerful Lakota). They met with a delegation of Southern Cheyenne and Arapaho in Washington and attended meetings together. They appear to have gone to Gardner's studio together, who produced a whole series of great Cheyenne and Arapaho portraits.

By the mid-1870s, Friday's role as an Arapaho leader had been largely overshadowed by the rise of several younger men, specifically Black Coal and Sharp Nose. Generally in the documents of this period, Friday is listed as the Arapaho interpreter.

— Ephriam Dickson

Friday, Arapaho

Friday and two other Arapahoe boys had become seperated from their tribe when a fight started at a large intertribal gathering. Thomas Fitzpatrick, the mountain man, found the children on the plains, when he was returning from the Rocky Mountains to St. Louis. He became so fond of one of the boys (called Warshinun or Black Spot) that he took him to St. Louis and sent him to school there. Fitzpatrick named the boy Friday, because he found him on that day.

He accompanied Fitzpatrick on several trips west, but one day a woman in an Arapahoe camp recognized him and claimed him her son.

From then on he returned to his tribe. Because he learned English in school he could interpret for his head chiefs and went to Washington several times. Later he himself became a band chief, who was always on friendly terms with the whites.

Here's a photo of the delegation in 1873:

Crazy Bull and Friday

— Dietmar Schulte-Möhring

This is the same Friday photographed in the 1877 delegation - or is this picture even later? Where does the name come from anyhow? He doesn't seem to have aged much in twenty-six years.

— Grahame Wood

Friday had several names during his lifetime. As a boy he was called Black Spot (Warshinun) or Black Coal Ashes. After a fight with the Pawnees he took one of his father's names, White Crow. After another fight, this time with the Shoshones, he took a second name, Thunder.

Finally, after being part of a war party that destroyed a Ute camp of seven lodges near Bear River, he got the name “The Man Who Sits in the Corner and Keeps his Mouth Shut” (also translated shortly as Sits Brooding, "teénokúhú").

“He says that he and a Ute warrior became engaged at close quarters; the Ute levelled his gun at Friday's breast, but the cap snapped and in a second Friday had shot hom through the body and snatched the loaded gun out of his dying hand.” (John Gregory Bourke)

— Dietmar Schulte-Möhring


©2008-2024 Diane Merkel & Dietmar Schulte-Möhring
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