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Lone Horn




Some information from the "Crazy Horse DVD" by Bill Matson:

Lone Horn II had three wives and several children.
With his first wife Stands on Ground he had the following children:
Ida Crow aka Two White Cows, daughter (photo in D. Sprague´s "Cheyenne River Sioux")
Touch the Cloud, son (several photos posted on this board)
Standing Elk, Mathew, son (photo in D. Sprague´s book)
Frog aka Roaming Nose, son (photo by Frank Rinehart)

With his wife Wind he had one daughter: Four Horses

With his wife Stiff Leg he had the following children:
Her Iron Cane, daughter
Plenty Clothes, daughter
Talks About Him, son

I understood that Spotted Elk/Big Foot was mainly raised by Lone Horn and his wife Stiff Leg. — Dietmar Schulte-Möhring


©2008-2024 Diane Merkel & Dietmar Schulte-Möhring
All contributors retain the rights to their work.
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