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Marie Bordeaux
also known as
Red Cormorant Woman


Huntkalutawin [Red Cormorant Woman] Marie Bordeaux ( sister of Swift Bear )


It would be interesting to read her daughter's book about her life with her mother and father. . . . She was born in 1859 to James Bordeaux, a trader at Fort Laramie, and Hunjtkalutawin or Red Cormorant Woman, who was prominent in the Brul Lakota community, Bettelyoun here recollects 19th-century Sioux life. In the 1930s, she worked with Waggoner, a younger coresident of the Old Soldiers' Home in South Dakota and another mixed-race Sioux, who recorded Bettelyoun's reminiscences on paper. The manuscript, although used by several scholars, remained unpublished until Levine, a freelance researcher and University of Nebraska employee, became interested in it. This book is quite unusual in being a firsthand account of 19th-century Sioux life by a woman. It is also a very readable and fascinating account of a key period in Plains Indian life. It will fit nicely into two areas of current popular and academic interest, women's studies and American Indian history, and is highly recommended for collections in those areas.

Photo by W. R. Cross, Nebraska

— liverpoolannie


©2008-2024 Diane Merkel & Dietmar Schulte-Möhring
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