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Pete Catches, Sr.

Pete Sr, Frank Fools Crow, Felix Green, and Archie Lame Deer were taught by Horn Chips (son of Chips) who is credited by many for keeping the ceremonies alive when they were under a kind of cultural genocide nearly by himself. He pushed these men to learn the ceremonies.

Pete Sr is credited by many living the traditional spiritual Lakota way of life as being one of the main people responsible for reviving the sun dance. Pete Sr hunka'd several young Lakotas including Floyd Clown in his quest to reintroduce the ceremonies. Prior to reservation days hunkas were not as common because the enormous responsibility and commitment that they required, but extraordinary measures were needed for extraordinary times. Here is a short clip shot by Rob Stoller in Russia:

I always found spirituality an important part of following and helping verify a Lakota oral history. To not allow spirituality to be part of the equation is to ignore the rules that bound, or in some cases still bind, them. Their spirituality created the underlining guidelines for their lives.

— Brock

There is a second movie with Pete Catches on the same page about the Lakota relation to the buffalo:

Also, here is an interesting interview with his son Pete V. Catches:

—Dietmar Schulte-Möhring

The Catches real family name is Catches the Enemy but was shortened like so many other Lakota names to one word back when the efforts were to break them away from the Lakota way of life.

— Brock

Currently there is a photograph on ebay that allegedly shows Old Man Catches and his son.

—Dietmar Schulte-Möhring

I don't think either one is Pete Sr. They maybe family members but the timing of the photo is wrong for the older one and the jaw is wrong on the younger.

— Brock


©2008-2024 Diane Merkel & Dietmar Schulte-Möhring
All contributors retain the rights to their work.
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