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Spotted Horn Bull




SPOTTED HORN BULL Tatanka He Gleska (c1836-1890). Wife: Pretty White Buffalo (Ptesan Waste Win). Counted in September 1881 in Crow King's Band; from December 1881 through June 1883, listed in Bear Hat's Band; leader of his own band by April 1884 up to his death during the arrest of Sitting Bull.

The census records support Waggoner's identification of Spotted Horn Bull as part of the Talonap'in Band. When his own band was formed by the spring of 1884, at least one third of the members (and probably more) were drawn from Charging Thunder's band, also listed as Talonap'in. These two bands are clearly linked by the various families. — Ephriam Dickson

Spotted Horn Bull: belonged to Talonapin, Fresh Meat Necklace band. — Kingsley Bray


©2008-2024 Diane Merkel & Dietmar Schulte-Möhring
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