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Society of the Grass Dancer (Peji Waci)

Grass Dancers (Peji Waci) were always out in front of the rest of the warriors during a battle, and so it was a great honor to be a member of this elite group. The following is a list of the members:

Black Bear
Robe/Robe Hair Outside
Blue Cloud
Medicine Bird
Kills Enemy in the Water
Fast Horn
Fat Bear
Dirt Kettle
Owl Bull
Belly Inside
Drags the Rope
Plenty of Meat

All were Oglala except Plenty of Meat who was Santee.

Wendell Grangaard
The Guns of History, Inc.
May 16, 2022

©2008-2023 Diane Merkel & Dietmar Schulte-Möhring
All contributors retain the rights to their work.
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